Monday, March 21, 2022

My regrets

There are but four things I regret in my life. The first, not going to an adult and reporting things that happened to me as a child. It gave me a side darker than a moonless night. The second, confronting my wife about her promiscuity and adultery. I should have just kept working and let her maintain her boy toys. At least I would have had another 12 years with B. "Some people steal, not for the monetary value, but for the thrill of getting away with it. That's why I was cheating on you. The thrill I was wondering if you would ever catch me made the sex so much better. One guy led to another and before I knew it there were 16 guys." Her final words left my soul empty. The third, not reporting a young teen girl mouthing the words "help me," from a Suburban that pulled away from McDonalds. I thought she was joking because her mother was yelling at her. Now that I stand and fight against human trafficking, I have nightmares about that day. The fourth, betting $30,000 on the Astros to beat the Nationals in game 7 of the World Series a few years ago.

These are all major mistakes. They could have all been avoided. The first regret made me hate myself. After that, I did not care. I accepted the fact that bad things were going to happen to me.

Some people live outside the storm, some people live in the eye of the storm, some people live in the chaos of the storm.

Fuck it! Back into the maelstrom.

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