Monday, March 21, 2022

Love? Dead!

I remember a time when love had meaning. Trust, truth, loyalty, forever. Now the word is tossed around like the other key words of today, such as: racist, misogynist, sexist, and privilege. Love no longer has meaning. The promise is empty and hollow. Love Is a lie. Adultery is encouraged, accepted, and embraced. Women blame men. Men blame women. They are both wrong. It is the individual.

Sex has become a tool. Manipulative. Something to barter with. Something perverse. Intimacy is dead.

Sex, power, and greed have polluted love. Fear and doubt now rule the realm. Humanity prefers a tragedy over a triumph.

Marriage is now an institution. A bond of convenience. A marriage certificate is just an instrument for lawyers to fight over. Humanity returned to its simple and dark roots. Kill, rape, pillage, and burn. Now I understand why Freddie Mercury said, "sometimes wish I'd never been born, at all."

I've always known I would see the end of humanity. I've known it since a child. I did not want to believe it. I denied it. Humanity is dead. A semblance of civilization carries on, but compassion and love are dead. 

Enjoy the numb spoils of your battles. That's all you have left. Try not to choke on your lies and deceit.

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