Friday, November 24, 2023

Fuck around and find out

I have a great idea. Let's keep fighting over the past and destroy the future. That is what everybody seems to want to do. Fuck it. Go for it. Let the government keep mind fucking you and we can kill each other off. Keep bowing before your master, "HATE." 

Fuck love. Fuck peace. Fuck forgiveness. Let's go! But be forewarned, I do not take prisoners. 

Keep your stupid rhetoric up and continue destroying this country. I will take you out. Look how far bitching and whining has got this country, so far. The more you complain the worse it gets. Keep on.

Ignore history or change history and wonder why it continues to repeat itself.

Focus on the flesh and not the spirit. Be an idiot.

But never tread on me again.

I grew up going to scool with alleged minorities, but I was the minority.

Predominantly black schools. I got my ass kicked everyday because I was white. I was called a slave master by the black kids. I was told to accept it because of the past. They were right. I did that. I had slave ships. I deserve to have my ass kicked everyday as a child.

Predominantly hispanic schools. I got my ass kicked everyday because I was white. I was called pinche gringo. I was told to accept it because I was white. I don't know what I did 200 years ago. But I guess I did it. I deserved to have my ass kicked every day as a child.

Predominantly native american schools. I got my ass kicked everyday because I was white. I was called a colonizer. I was told to accept it because I was white. They were right. I did that. I can find all natives two reservations in America. I deserved to have my ass kicked everyday is a child.

The people that bitch and moan today are the oppressors. I was a child. I could have grown up to be  racist, but I did not. I did nothing to deserve anyone's wrath. They didn't even ask. They assumed because my skin was white. That I was a slave owner, a colonizer. My bloodline is Hebrew, Irish, and Native American. We could compare charts on slavery end suppression.

I lived through hate. Many of you reside in hate. You need to pick your fucking battles before you lose the war.

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