Thursday, October 19, 2023

Psychological Poison (Narcissistic woman)


Me: You are drunk. Let me get you home.

Her: I don't want to go home. My boyfriend is there.

Me: You have a boyfriend? Why did not you say something?

Her: I've been looking for a reason to leave him. I think I found a reason. You are a little cuter and have a job. Just take me to a hotel room.

I got her a hotel room. Left a glass of water on her nightstand and left. She begged me to stay. I could not. She was drunk and had a BF.

I should have never called back 


We eventually started dating. She let her ex sleep in the spare bedroom of our duplex. She gave him a pity/goodbye screw,  with me in the other room, and kicked him out.

I should have walked away.

Two years later he stopped by the duplex while I was at work. They had their fun and he stopped by my job to brag. She denied it for years, but eventually confessed.

I should have walked away. 


Things are fine for 2 years. Then marriage. Things start changing. I start paying her way through school where she meets her many lovers. 

Monday. Her: Don't touch me. You remind me of sex with my brother.

Tuesday. Her:  Do you still find me attractive? Then why are you not touching me?

Repeat for 10 years.

Me: I have an idea. Why don't you tell me when I can touch you.

Her: You're not a man.



She came to me crying.

I asked what was wrong. 

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I did not mean to. It was a mistake. "

"What do you mean?"

"I'm pregnant."


Her: He's not you son.


Her:  Everyone in my family has made something of themselves. Except you. You will always have your name on your shirt. You will always be a nobody. Why don't you go to school?

I go to school. Full time work Full time school.

Her: You're never home. I need intimacy. I've had sixteen boyfriends in the eleven years we've been married.

Her: Some people steal not for the monetary value but for the thrill of getting away with it. That's why I cheated on you. Wondering if you would catch me made the sex better.


Her: He's not your son. I've had sixteen lovers since we got together. I don't know who's son he is.


Her: Your family is poor. My family is rich. Marrying you was an accident. Why don't you kill yourself?
Me: Because the life Insurance policy would not pay out. 
Her: I don't care. My parents are rich. I will get money when they die. My families fucked up but we got money. Valerie and Yvonne sexually abused Ricky, and he sexually abused me.


Her: He's not your son.


She drank 750ml of Crown Royal a night and accused me of overspending when I bought a laptop for work. 
She prescribed Xanax to herself.
She was a cutter. 
She blamed it all on me.
She said I was too close to confide in. 


Her: In college, I used to go down to the guys' dorms to study. I would usually get drunken pass out. I would wake up naked in a bed. I know that I have sex with 6 or 7 of them on any given night. I'm lucky I did not catch anything or get pregnant.

Me: The secrets a man learns after marriage.

Her: You would not have married me if I had told you this before.


Her: Wake up, Don. Everybody cheats. Your sister did. Your mother did. It's not a big deal. Yvonne cheated on Martin in medical school and got herpes. David cheated on Valerie because she's a bitch. Ricky cheated on his wife because she was a bitch. The guy I'm bangin right now is married and has a 17 year old girlfriend that he plans to marry. It's just sex. You should try it.


Her: In the silence of the night,
I heard your teardrops hit the pillow.
I felt no guilt or remorse.
I'm in love with another man.
I will never give him up.
Accept it or I will divorce you.



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