Monday, November 30, 2020

Covid 19

I am not doubting the existence of the China virus. I am attacking the politicalization of the virus. The progressive liberal socialist Democrats are using the virus as a weapon to hurt and destroy the middle class and lower class of America. They have made it into a monster to subjugate us into embracing socialism.

We have 100% faith in a hand sanitizer that alleges to kill 99% of all germs. Yet, we have become terrified of a virus that has a 99% survival rate.

It's not about saving lives. It's about controlling the masses. If the government wanted to save lives, they would make cigarettes illegal, make alcohol illegal, and make sugar illegal. All about the dollar sign. It's all about conformity. It's all about control.

The China virus is real, but it is not as dangerous as the government claims. The president of Tanzania used tests on a pig and a piece of fruit. Gave them false names and ages and submitted the test. Both came back positive. I have tested positive three different times. I donate blood every two months for the last year. They claim there is no evidence of the virus in my blood and no evidence that it has ever been in my system.

The government had a plan. They have been trying to get microchips in everyone for the last 15 years. The majority of people refused. The first plan what do you put microchips in all newborn babies. Their reason was to track all babies in case they are kidnapped. Lies! We didn't fall for it that time. Progressive liberal socialist Democrats are knocking President Trump's vaccine because it does not have a microchip in it. The New World Order is real. America is not on top of that pyramid. China is. That is why Vice President Biden, Hillary Clinton, and Nancy Pelosi have made deals with the Devil. China has paid all of them.

The release of the China virus was strategic. In 2005, 196 countries signed a legal document and agreed to allow the World Health Organization to release a respiratory virus into the air. The paper alleged that it was only a test to see how quickly the virus would spread and how quickly it could be contained. The Elite were waiting for the right moment. What better moment  than when  their worst nightmare is up for re-election? What better moment than when a Patriot steps forward and says America is no longer for sale? What better moment than when an American steps forward and says "America first!" What better moment to start racial riots? What better moment to defund the police? What better way to usher in socialism and the New World Order?

Stop staring at the pieces and put the puzzle together. Look at the big picture.

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