Friday, July 28, 2023

Normal Family?

It's interesting and devastating what a child of today deems as a normal family. 

My ex-wife slept with her brother and then attacked me with resentment. She started having an affair with a 40yo man who was cheating on his wife with a 17yo. The man, Chris Pourteau, divorced his wife and married the 17yo Courtney. My ex-wife, Alison. acted a friend to his young wife and was even a bridesmaid. What better way to hide adultery? Befriend the woman that is going to marry your lover.

All the while, Alison had been lying to her family to make me look bad. Putting false perceptions in their heads. Alison was addicted to porn, an alcoholic, a pill-popper, and a cutter. Cunning as a snake, she blamed all of her problems on me. She used her study of counseling to mentally deconstruct me. 

The pedophile, that she's sleeping with took me to a concert one night with the pretext of becoming friends. During the show, Chris told me that money marries money and that I should divorce Alison or that there would be problems. He told me that he and Alison had the money, and they would ruin me. Chris said he had been humping my wife for months.

I was terrified. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to lose my child, But if I lost the ability to take care of him, then I would lose him anyway.

As this game of cat and mouse plays out, Alison is enjoying playing games with me. One day she would tell me not to touch her. The next day, she would ask I was not touching her, if I no longer deemed her attractive. She did this for years.

This child's mother is getting her LPC license. College is where she met her lover and began one of her many affairs. She later admitted to her husband that there were 16 affairs in 11 years of marriage. She began supervising her lover as he got his LPC. A direct violation of the code of conduct and professionalethics. Her supervisor told her to be very careful. Apparently everyone knew the affair was going on.

When the husband confronted her and asked her nicely to end the affair until after the child graduated, she refused. And for the third time, told the husband that she did not need him anymore. She also told him for the third time that he was not the biological father. This broke the husband's  spirit, heart, and mind.

Now let's continue with thus "normal." The mother had 2 sisters and a brother. She slept with her brother. One of her sisters cheated on her husband in college and contracted herpes. Her brother cheated on his wife with his high school sweetheart. Her other sister was so out of touch with reality that her husband cheated on her with a woman old enough to be his mother. And finally, the mother of these 4 siblings knew about the incest, but hid it from the father.

So the young man thinks that is a normal family. I guess in today's world, it might be.

The father is still struggling with the loss of his child. The child was fed lies for years and now hates the father. Biological or not, the father still loves the child.

The father still has copies of all the emails and love notes between fhe child's mother and her lover. Many of them sexually explicit. He could have ruined careers with these items but chose not to. But now that the child is grown, the truth will be revealed.

I find it intriguing how narcissists can easily slip on the guise of a victim and blame everyone around them. Nothing is ever their fault. The closest people to them that they abuse are called evil. They lie to family and friends And slowly make them believe that the other person is bad. I know this because I lived through it.

My ex wife and her lover were both narcissists. They are now married. After I confronted them about their affair. They set out to destroy me. Their affair was wrong in many ways. Not just the sanctity, but the professional ethics. They would do anything to cover their crimes. Tell any lie. Go to any lengths. They both had money and connections. Which made it easier to create a smokescreen.

I've always had very little faith in psychology. Now I realize, in the wrong hands, it is the science of mental/emotional terrorism.

I now understand why most psychologists are liberal democrats. They are masters of displacing the blame. They project their evils and shortcomings onto others. They actually believe their delusions.

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