Sunday, April 2, 2023

Let Them Be Innocent

I don't give a flying fuck if you are part of a cult of intergalactic unicorns with 737 different gender identities. If you are an adult, you can make believe and lie to yourself all day long, but do not poison our children with this shit. Pedophiles do not belong telling children what to think or do with their bodies. 

If you're too stupid to see that this is also about pharmaceutical companies making money from lifelong patients, you are part of the problem. 

I asked a neurosurgeon why a child could not be a brain surgeon. She said, "because the child does not understand the complexities of the brain. The 'neurological magic' that keeps the body going. The line between real science and science fiction is an indestructible barrier in the discipline of human physiology." Hmmmmm...

I asked another scientific colleague of mine if children could be biologists. He chuckled a little and said no. "A child's mind is not developed enough to understand the intricacies of genetics or able to comprehend the unfathomable outcome of the smallest of manipulations." Hmmmm...

Make believe and reality are separate entities. Imagination is important until it becomes the twisted driving force of manipulation and perversion of toddlers.  Let them be cowboys. Let them be Indians. Let them be pirates. Let them be dragons. Let them be heroes. Let them be villains. But most of all, let them be innocent.

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